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ZHANG Guo-qin
Highest Education:
1799 Jimeidadao Road, Xiamen
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Education and Appointments:

2007/08–present, Research Assistant→Assistant Professor→Associate Professor, Institute of Urban Environment (IUE), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen

2008/09–2011/07, Ph.D. in Environmental Economics and Environmental Management, Institute of Urban Environment (IUE), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen, China

2004/09–2007/07, M.S. in Human Geography, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

2000/09–2004/07, B.S. in Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China

Main academic contributions:
Research Interest:
urban geography, urban environmental management and planning
Selected Publications:

1. Guoqin Zhang, Rubing Ge, Tao Lin, Hong Ye, Xinhu Li, Ning Huang. Spatial apportionment of urban greenhouse gas emission inventory and its implications for urban planning: a case study of Xiamen, China. Ecological Indicators, 2018,85(2):644-656.
2. Guoqin Zhang, Tao Lin, Shaohua Chen, Lishan Xiao, Jin Wang, Yifang Guo. Spatial characteristics of municipal solid waste generation and its influential spatial factors on a city scale: a case study of Xiamen, China. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2015,17(2):399-409.
3. Guoqin Zhang, Xuanqi Li, Qianjun Zhao. Resource consumption and city size: a case study of Xiamen and implications for sustainable urbanisation. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 2010,17(4):350-355.
4. Xinyue Hu, Han Yan, Deng Wang, Zhuoqun Zhao, Guoqin Zhang*, Tao Lin, Hong Ye. A Promotional Construction Approach for an Urban Three-Dimensional Compactness Model—Law-of-Gravitation-Based. Sustainability, 2020,12(17):6777.
5. Tao Lin, Xiaofang Liu, Jinchao Song, Guoqin Zhang*, Yuqiu Jia, Zhezhi Tu, Chaolun Liu, Zehua Zheng. Urban Waterlogging Risk Assessment Based on Internet Open Data: A Case Study in China. Habitat International, 2018,77(1):88-96.
6. Tao Lin, Rubing Ge, Qianjun Zhao, Guoqin Zhang*, Xinhu Li, Hong Ye, Jiangfu Liao, Kai Yin. Dynamic changes of a city's carbon balance and its influencing factors: a case study in Xiamen, China. Carbon Management, 2016, 7(3-4) :1-12.
7. Hong Ye, Xinyue Hu, Qun Ren, Tao Lin, Xinhu Li, Guoqin Zhang*, Longyu Shi. Effect of urban micro-climatic regulation ability on public building energy usage carbon emission. Energy and Buildings, 2017, 154:553-559.
8. Yan Li, Guoqin Zhang*, Tao Lin, Hong Ye, Yuqin Liu, Tianyi Chen, Wenhui Liu. The spatiotemporal changes of remote sensing ecological index in towns and the influencing factors: A case study of Jizhou District, Tianjin. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2022, 42(2): 474-486. (In Chinese)
9. Guoqin Zhang, Yan Li, Tao Lin, Xinhu Li, Lan Wang, Wenhui Liu. The healthy community construction from a landsenses ecology perspective. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2020, 40(22): 8130~8140. (In Chinese)
10. Guoqin Zhang, Weidong Liu, Qianjun Zhao. Cooperation and Regional Economic Effect of Different Categories of Human Capital. Population & Economics, 2010,31(5):32-36. (In Chinese)
11. Qianjun Zhao, Guoqin Zhang, Shenghui Cui. Considerations on the Principal Position of Small and Medium Cities in the Course of China’s Urbanization and City Efficiency Research. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2009, 24(4):386-393. (In Chinese)
12. Weidong Liu, Guoqin Zhang, Zhouying Song. Trend of Spatial Configuration Evolvement of Economic Development in China under Globalization. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2007,27(5):609-616. (In Chinese)

Supported Projects:

1. Data extraction, monitoring and evaluation of eco-environment of village & town settlements. National Key Research and Development Program, No. 2018YFD1100303-04, 2018/12-2022/12. Role: Sub-Program PI.
2. Measurement and optimization of spatial accessibility to urban medical service based on matching supply and demand. General Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 41871167, 2019/01-2022/12. Role: PI.
3. Study on spatial-temporal differentiation, impact mechanism and optimization strategies of the composite accessibility of urban residential area. Youth Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41201155, 2013/01-2015/12. Role: PI.
4. Spatialization and scenario simulation of urban greenhouse gas emission based on functional zones. Natural Science Foundation of Fujian, No.2015J05086, 2015/04-2018/03. Role: PI.
5. Carbon metabolism based urban functional space organization and its operation efficiency. Cooperation Project from the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences for the General Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41371540, 2014/01-2017/12). Role: Research Cooperation Institution PI.