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  Associate Professors
ZHANG Zhaoji
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Education and Appointments:
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Selected Publications:

[1] Nie, S.A., Li, H, Yang, X.R., Zhang, Z.J., Weng, B.S., Huang, F.Y., Zhu, G.B.,* Zhu, Y.G.,* 2015. Nitrogen loss by anaerobic oxidation of ammonium in rice rhizosphere. ISME J. 9, 2059-2067.

[2] Zhang, Z.J., Chen, S.H.,* Wu, P., Lin, L.F., Luo, H.Y., 2010. Start-up of the Canon process from activated sludge under salt stress in a sequencing batch bio?lm reactor (SBBR). Bioresource Technology 101, 6309-6314.

[3] Zhang, Z.J., Li, Y.Y., Chen, S.H.,* Wang, S.M., Bao, X.D., 2012. Simultaneous nitrogen and carbon removal from swine digester liquor via Canon and denitrification process. Bioresource Technology 114, 84-89.

[4] Wang, J.S., Zhang, Z.J.,* Ye, X., Pan, X.F., Lv, N., Fang, H.D., Chen, S.H.,* 2020. Enhanced solubilization and biochemical methane potential of waste activated sludge by combined free nitrous acid and potassium ferrate pretreatment. Bioresource Technology 297, 122376.

[5] Zhang, S.C., Zhang, Z.J.,* Xia, S.B., Ding, N.N., Long, X.E., Wang, J.S., Chen, M.Q., Ye, C.S., Chen, S.H., 2020. Combined genome-centric metagenomics and stable isotope probing unveils the microbial pathways of aerobic methane oxidation coupled to denitrifcation process under hypoxic conditions. Bioresource Technology 318, 124043.

Supported Projects: