Location: Home > Professor
Jianyi Lin
Highest Education:
1799 Jimei Road, Xiamen
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Education and Appointments:

1996/09-2001/07 Department of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, B.E.
2001/09-2006/09 Department of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Ph.D.
2006/09-2007/04 Institute of Information Technology, Pearl River Hydraulic Research Academy, Engineer
2007/04-2010/10 Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Assistant Professor
2010/10-2017/12 Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor
Since 2017/12 Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor

Main academic contributions:
Research Interest:
Integrated Management of Urban Resources; Urban Energy planning and Low Carbon City; Complex System Modeling
Selected Publications:

[1] Lin, J.; Kang, J.; Khanna, N.; Shi, L.*; Zhao, X.; Liao, J., Scenario Analysis of Urban GHG Peak and Mitigation Co-benefits: A Case Study of Xiamen City, China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018, 171, (Supplement C), 972-983.
[2] Lin, J.; Hu, Y.; Zhao, X.; Shi, L.; Kang, J., Developing a city-centric global multiregional input-output model (CCG-MRIO) to evaluate urban carbon footprints. Energy Policy 2017, 108, 460-466.
[3] Kang JF., Lin JY.*, Zhao XF., et al. Decomposition of the Urban Water Footprint of Food Consumption: A Case Study of Xiamen City[J]. Sustainability. 2017,9 (1).
[4] Kang JF., Lin JY.*, Cui SH., et al. Water footprint of Xiamen city from production and consumption perspectives (2001-2012)[J]. Water Science and Technology-Water Supply. 2017,17 (2): 472-479.
[5] Hu YC., Lin JY.*, Cui SH., et al. Measuring Urban Carbon Footprint from Carbon Flows in the Global Supply Chain[J]. Environmental Science & Technology. 2016,50 (12): 6154-6163.
[6] Lin JY., Liu Y., Hu YC., Cur S, Zhao S. Factor decomposition of Chinese GHG emission intensity based on the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index method. Carbon Management. 2015;5(5-6):579-86.
[7] Lin JY., Hu YC, Cui SH, et al. Carbon footprints of food production in China (1979–2009). Journal of Cleaner Production. 2015;90(0):97-103.
[8] Lin JY., Hu YC, Cui SH, et al. Tracking urban carbon footprints from production and consumption perspectives. Environmental Research Letters. 2015;10(5):054001.
[9] Lin JY., Jacoby J., Cui SH., et al. A model for developing a target integrated low carbon city indicator system: The case of Xiamen, China. Ecological Indicators. 2014,40 (0): 51-57.
[10] Lin JY., Liu Y., Meng FX., et al. Using hybrid method to evaluate carbon footprint of Xiamen City, China. Energy Policy. 2013,58: 220-227.
[11] Lin JY., Lin T., Cui SH. Quantitative selection model of ecological indicators and its solving method. Ecological Indicators. 2012,13 (1): 294-302.
[12] Lin JY., Li Y., Wang W., et al. An eco-efficiency-based urban sustainability assessment method and its application. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 2010,17 (4): 356-361.
[13] Lin JY., Cao B., Cui SH., et al. Evaluating the effectiveness of urban energy conservation and GHG mitigation measures: The case of Xiamen city, China. Energy Policy. 2010,38 (9): 5123-5132.

Supported Projects:

2016/01-2019/12 Study on Urban Energy-Water Footprint Nexus and Co-management, supported by National Natural Science Foundation
2013/01-2016/12 Study on Urban Carbon Footprint Control Strategy Based on Target Management, supported by National Natural Science Foundation
2011/01-2013/12 Study on Low Carbon Countermeasures of Urban Energy Use Base on Carbon Footprint Assessment, supported by Youth Science Funds of National Natural Science Foundation
2012/01-2014/12 Low Carbon Evaluation Indicators and Reduction Targets Decomposition Model for Fujian Province, supported by Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province
2007/10-2010/03 Study on Construction Model, Assessment Methodology, Management Framework and Policy for Sustainable Urban in Xiamen, supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2009/01-2009/12 Study on Patterns and Countermeasures of Low Carbon Energy Use in City: Taking Xiamen as An Example, supported by the Academy-Locality Cooperation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2016/07-2016/12 Xiamen Energy Strategy Planning, supported by Xiamen Municipal Commission of Urban Planning
2018/04-2018/12 GHG inventory of Fujian Province (2011, 2013, 2015), supported by Fujian Development and Reform Commission
2018/03-2018/09 GHG inventory of Xiamen City (2015, 2016), supported by Xiamen Development and Reform Commission