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Tao Lin
Highest Education:
1799 Jimei Road, Xiamen
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Education and Appointments:

1998.9-2002.6, BS, Oceanography department, Xiamen University (Marine Biology)
2002.9-2007.06, PhD, State key laboratory of marine environmental science & Environmental science research center, Xiamen University (Environmental planning and management & integrated coastal management)

Work Experience:
2007/6-2009/7: Associate professor in urban environmental/ecological planning and management research center, Institute of urban environmental, Chinese academy of science.
2009/8-2016/9: Associate professor in urban environmental/ecological planning and management research center, Institute of urban environmental, Chinese academy of science.
2010/8-2011/8: Visiting scholar in Arizona State University, Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research.
2016/10-2016/9: Professor in urban environmental/ecological planning and management research center, Institute of urban environmental, Chinese academy of science.

Research Interest:
Urban environmental management and planning, urban ecology, urban metabolism
Selected Publications:

1. Y. Zhao, J. Liu, T. Lin*, Q. Zhao, M. Lin, L. Xing, G. Zhang, X. Li & H. Ye (2019) Urban-rural nitrogen emission from household food consumption in China: spatial pattern and dynamics analysis, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 26:5, 415-427
2. Zhao, Y.; Zhang, G.; Lin, T.*; Liu, X.; Liu, J.; Lin, M.; Ye, H. *; Kong, L. Towards Sustainable Urban Communities: A Composite Spatial Accessibility Assessment for Residential Suitability Based on Network Big Data. Sustainability 2018, 10, 4767.
3. Corman, J.R., Collins, S.L., Cook, E.M. et al. Ecosystems (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-018-0316-3
4. Xiao L, Lin T*, Wang Y, et al. Comparative life cycle assessment of sludge management: a case study of Xiamen, China [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018.192:354-363.
5. Lin T, Cao X, Huang N, et al. Social cognition of climate change in coastal community: A case study in Xiamen City, China [J]. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2018. (in press)
6. Sun, C., Lin, T.*, Zhao, Q., Li, X., Ye, H., Zhang, G., Liu, X., Zhao, Y., 2019. Spatial pattern of urban green spaces in a long-term compact urbanization process—A case study in China. ECOL INDIC, 2019, 96:111-119.
7. Hong Ye, Caige Sun, Kai Wang, Guoqin Zhang, Tao Lin, Han Yan. The role of urban function on road soil respiration responses. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 85(Supplement C):271-275.
8. Zhang, G., Ge, R., Lin, T.*, Ye, H., Li, X., Huang, N., 2018. Spatial apportionment of urban greenhouse gas emission inventory and its implications for urban planning: A case study of Xiamen, China. ECOL INDIC 85, 644-656.
9. Lin, T., Liu, X., Song, J., Zhang, G., Jia, Y., Tu, Z., Zheng, Z., Liu, C., 2018. Urban waterlogging risk assessment based on internet open data: A case study in China. Habitat International 71, 88-96.
10. Hong Ye, Qun Ren, Xinyue Hu, Tao Lin, Longyu Shi, Guoqin Zhang, Xinhu Li. Modeling energy-related CO 2 emissions from office buildings using general regression neural network. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2018,129:168-174. (IF=3.313)
11. Jinchao Song, Tao Lin, Xinhu Li, Alexander V. Prishchepov. Mapping Urban Functional Zones by Integrating Very High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery and Points of Interest: A Case Study of Xiamen, China. Remote Sensing. 2018,10(11):1737. (IF=3.406)
12. Yuqin Liu, Jiahua Zhang, Putian Zhou, Tao Lin, Juan Hong, Lamei Shi, Fengmei Yao, Jun Wu, Huadong Guo, and Gerrit de Leeuw. Satellite-based estimate of the variability of warm cloud properties associated with aerosol and meteorological conditions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2018,18,18187-18202. (IF=5.509)
13. Ye, H., Ren, Q., Shi, L., Song, J., Hu, X., Li, X., Zhang, G., Lin, T.*, Xue, X.*, 2018. The role of climate, construction quality, microclimate, and socio-economic conditions on carbon emissions from office buildings in China. J CLEAN PROD 171, 911-916.
14. Sun, C.; Lin, T. *; Zhao, Y.; Lin, M.; Yu, Z. Residential Spatial Differentiation Based on Urban Housing Types—An Empirical Study of Xiamen Island, China. Sustainability 2017, 9, 1777.
15. Deng F, Lin T*, Zhao Y, Yuan Y. Zoning and Analysis of Control Units for Water Pollution Control in the Yangtze River Basin, China. Sustainability 2017, 9(8), 1374.
16. Ye, H., Ren, Q., Hu, X., Lin, T*., Xu, L., Li, X., Zhang, G., Shi, L., Pan, B., 2017. Low-carbon behavior approaches for reducing direct carbon emissions: Household energy use in a coastal city. J CLEAN PROD. 141:128-136(IF=4.959)
17. Ye, H., Hu, X., Ren, Q., Lin, T., Li, X., Zhang, G., Shi, L., 2017. Effect of urban micro-climatic regulation ability on public building energy usage carbon emission. ENERG BUILDINGS 154, 553-559.
18. Xiao, L., Zhang, G., Zhu, Y., Lin, T*., 2017. Promoting public participation in household waste management: A survey based method and case study in Xiamen city, China. J CLEAN PROD 144, 313-322. 959)
19. Lin, T, Ge Rubing Zhang Guoqin*, Li Xinhu, Ye Hong, Liao Jiangfu, Yin Kai. 2016 Dynamic changes of a city’s carbon balance and its influencing factors: a case study in Xiamen, China. Carbon management. 7(3-4): 149-160.(IF=2.092)
20. Lin, T., Wang J., Bai X., Zhang G., Li X., Ge R. and Ye H. 2016. Quantifying and managing food-sourced nutrient metabolism in Chinese cities. Environment International 94: 388-95. (IF=5.929)
21. Lin, T., Sun, C., Li, X., Zhao, Q., Zhang, G., Ge, R., Ye, H., Huang, N., Yin, K., 2016. Spatial pattern of urban functional landscapes along an urban–rural gradient: A case study in Xiamen City, China. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geo information 46, 22-30. (IF=3.470)
22. Lin, T., Ge, R., Huang, J., Zhao, Q., Lin, J., Huang, N., Zhang, G., Li, X., Ye, H., Yin, K., 2016. A quantitative method to assess the ecological indicator system's effectiveness: a case study of the Ecological Province Construction Indicators of China. Ecological Indicators 62, 95-100.(IF=3.444)
23. Lin T, Grimm, NB. 2015. Comparative study of urban ecology development in the U.S. and China: Opportunity and Challenge. Urban ecosystems, 18: 599-611.(IF=2.685)
24. Lin T, Gibson V, Cui S, Yu, C, Chen S, Ye Z, Zhu Y. 2014. Managing urban nutrient biogeochemistry for sustainable urbanization. Environmetal Pollution. 192:244-250. (IF=4.143)
25. Lin T, Yu Y, Bai X, Feng L, Wang J (2013) Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting of Urban Residential Consumption: A Household Survey Based Approach. PLoS ONE 8(2): e55642. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055642 (IF=3.234)
26. Lin T, Xue XZ, Shi LY, Gao LJ. 2013. Urban Spatial Expansion and its Impacts on Island Ecosystem Services and Landscape Pattern: A Case Study of the Island City of Xiamen, Southeast China. Ocean & Coastal Management.81:90-96. (IF=1.748)
27. Lin T, Coppack T, Lin QX, Kulemeyer C, Schmidt A, Behm H, Luo T. 2012. Does avian flight initiation distance indicate tolerance towards urban disturbance? Ecological Indicators 15 (1): 30-35. (IF=3.444)
28. Lin T, Gan YH, Feng L, Ouyang Y, Guo XH. 2011. Developing Harmonious Multiethnic Settlements in Southwest China: A Spatial Pattern Analysis of Lijiang City. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 18(6): 530-536. (IF=1.771)
29. Lin T, Guo XH, Zhao Y, Pan LY, and Xiao LS. 2010. Study on differences in resident’s environmental awareness among various communities in a peri-urban area of Xiamen, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 17(4): 285-291. (IF=1.771)
30. Lin T, Lin JY, Cui SH, Cameron S. 2009. Using a network framework to quantitatively select ecological indicators. Ecological Indicators, 9: 1114-1120. (2区)(IF=3.444)
31. Lin T, Xue XZ, Huang J, Cui SH. 2008. Assessing egret ecological safety in the urban environment: A case study in Xiamen, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 15(4): 383-388. (IF=1.771)
32. Lin T, Xue XZ, Lu CY. 2007. Analysis of Coastal Wetland Changes by using “DPSIR” model a Case Study in Xiamen,China. Coastal management, 35(2&3): 289-303. (IF=0.877)
33. Xiao L, Lin T*, Chen S, Zhang G, Ye Z, Yu Z (2015) Characterizing Urban Household Waste Generation and Metabolism Considering Community Stratification in a Rapid Urbanizing Area of China. PLoS ONE 10(12): e0145405. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0145405(IF=3.234)
34. Xinhu Li, Jinchao Song, Tao Lin*, Jane Dixon, Guoqin Zhang, Hong Ye. 2016. Urbanization and health in China, thinking at the national, local and individual levels. Journal of Environmental Health 15(32): 113-123. (IF=3.453)
35. Zhang G, Lin T*, Chen S, et al. Spatial characteristics of municipal solid waste generation and its influential spatial factors on a city scale: a case study of Xiamen, China [J]. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2015,17 (2):399-409. (IF=0.95)
36. Lin JY, Lin T*, Cui SH. 2012. Quantitative selection model of ecological indicators and its solving Method. Ecological Indicators, 13(1): 294-302. (IF=3.444)
37. Li XH, Lin T* Zhang GQ, Xiao LS. 2011. Dynamic analysis of island urban spatial expansion and its determinants: a case study of Xiamen Island. Journal of geographical science, 21(3): 503-520. (IF=1.344)
38. Pan LY, Lin T*, Xiao LS, Zhao Y, Cui SH. 2010. Household waste management for a peri-urban area based on analyzing greenhouse gas emissions for Jimei District, Xiamen, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 17 (4): 342-349. (IF=1.771)
39. Huang, Chu-Long, Yu, Chang-Ping, Lin, Tao, Ye, Zhilong. 2016. Water conservation significance of municipal solid waste management: a case of Xiamen in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 129, 693-703.
40. Yang D, Luo T, Lin T, Qiu Q, Luo Y (2014) Combining Aesthetic with Ecological Values for Landscape Sustainability. PLoS ONE 9(7): e102437. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0102437(IF=3.234)
41. Cui SH, Yang XA, Guo XH*, Zhao QJ, Lin T, Feng L. 2011. Increased challenges for world heritage protection as a result of urbanization in Lijiang City, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 18(6): 480-486. (IF=1.771)
42. Guo XH, Cui SH*, Lin T and Song Y. 2011. The ecological risk assessment of the Chinese White Dolphins in Xiamen waters. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 14(3): 298-304. (IF=1.041)
43. Shi LY, Shao GF, Cui SH, Li XQ, Lin T, Yin K, Zhao J. Urban Three-Dimensional Expansion and Its Driving Forces: A Case Study of Shanghai, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 2009, 19(4): 291-298. (IF=1.344)
44. Zhao, J, Dai, D, Lin, T, Tang, L. 2010. Rapid urbanisation, ecological effects and sustainable city construction in Xiamen The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 17(4), 271-272. (IF=1.771)
45. Yin K, Zhao QJ, Li XQ, Cui SH, Hua LZ, Lin T.2010. A New Carbon and Oxygen Balance Model Based on Ecological Service of Urban Vegetation. Chinese Geographical Science, 20(1): 18–22. (IF=1.344)
46. Ye H, Qiu Q, Zhang G, Lin T, Li X. 2013. Effects of natural environment on urban household energy usage carbon emissions. Energy and buildings, 65: 113-118. (IF=2.884)
47. Lin, J., Jacoby, J., Cui, S., Liu, Y., Lin, T. 2014. A model for developing a target integrated low carbon city indicator system: The case of Xiamen, China. Ecological Indicators 40, 51-57. (IF=3.444)
48. Lilai Xu, Tao Lin, Ying Xu, Lishan Xiao, Zhilong Ye, Shenghui Cui. Path analysis of factors influencing household solid waste generation: a case study of Xiamen Island, China. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management. DOI 10.1007/s10163-014-0340-0(IF=0.95)
49. JiLai Liu, XinHu Li, Tao Lin, Long Dai, GuoQin Zhang, ChaoSheng Zhang, Hong Ye, Vee Gibson, QianJun Zhao. Spatial analysis of gastric cancer morbidity in regions of rapid urbanization: a case study in Xiamen, China. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess. 2016, 30:713-723. (IF=2.086)
50. Hong Ye, XiaoYan He, Yu Song, Xinhu Li, Guoqin Zhang, Tao Lin, Lishan Xiao. A sustainable urban form The challenges of compactness from the viewpoint of energy consumption and carbon emission,Energy and buildings, Energy and Buildings, 2015, 93: 90-98. (IF=2.884)
51. Huang J, Lin T*, Ye H, Zhang GQ, Lin JY. A theme-based and network coupled framework for quantitative indicators selection in ecological construction:a case study in Fujian, China. 2013, Advanced Materials Research, 869-870, 726-731.(EI)
52. Wang J, Lin T*, Feng L, Huang J. 2012. A System Dynamics Approach for Local Settlement Morphology Planning Based on Household Consumption Carbon Footprint. Advanced Materials Research, 524: 2400-2405.(EI)
53. Lin J,Cheng C,Lin T,A Pareto Strength SCE-UA Algorithm for Reservoir Optimization Operation ,4th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2008),406-412,Jian, PEOPLES R CHINA,2008.10 (EI)
54. Lin T, Xue XZ, Cao XH, Shen S. 2006. The coastal wetland’s ecological functions and its changes under anthropic pressure: a case study in Xiamen, China. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society, 9: 59-65.(ISTP)
55. Lin T, Xue XZ, Lu CY. 2005. Safety stressors analysis on coastal ecosystem-a case study in Xiamen. Environmental Informatics Archives, 3:84-91. (EI)
56. Lin T, Xue XZ, Shen S, Lu CY. 2005. Systemic analysis of coastal wetland changes and their ecological impacts: a case study in Xiamen, China. Environmental Informatics Archives, 3: 137-145.(EI)

Supported Projects:

1. Science and Technology Service Network Initiative, Chinese Academy of Sciences,KFJ-EW-STS-088,Study on integrated urban assessment methods and application, 2015/01-2017/12,3.00 Million RMB.
2. China High-Resolution Earth Observation System, 30-Y30B13-9003-14/16, study and demonstration of urbanization effect on environment and resources, 2014/07-2016/07,3.40 Million RMB.
3. NSFC,41371540,Carbon metabolism based urban functional space organization and its operation efficiency, 2014/01-2017/12, 0.75 Million RMB.
4. NSFC,41201598, Mechanism study and simulation of spatial-temporal change of carbon balance based on urban function zoning, 2013/01-2015/12,0.25 Million RMB.
5. National Key Technology Research and Development Program of theMinistry of Science and Technology of China, 2012BAC21B03, Study on urban climate environmental safeguard and spatial zoning techniques, 2012/01-2015/12, 5. 74 Million RMB.
6. Major Programs of Knowledge Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences project, Study on carbon footprint of the living quarters’ configuration changing, 2009/01-2011/12, 0.30 million RMB,
7. Local Cooperation Project of Chinese Academy of Science, Studies on construction model, assessment methodology, management framework and policy for sustainable urban in Xiamen, China, 2008/10-2011/10, 0.50 Million RMB.
8. Xiamen city government, Ecological planning of Jime District, Xiamen City, 2008.1-2011.12, 0.30 Million RMB.
9. Soft Science project of Fujian Province, 2011R0093, Fujian provincial ecological civilization indicator system development based network analysis, 2011/12-2013/06, 0. 10 Million RMB.