Professor |
Name: |
Wei-Qiang Chen |
Highest Education: |
Professor |
Office: |
1799 Jimei Road, Xiamen |
Zip Code: |
361021 |
Phone: |
+86-592-6190763 |
Email: |
wqchen@iue.ac.cn |

Education and Appointments: |
Education and Appointments:
2015/07-Present,Professor, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2013/03-2015/06,Associate Research Scientist, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
2010/06-2013/02,Post-doctoral, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
2004/08–2010/07 Ph.D., Environmental Science & Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing
2006/09–2006/12 Exchange Student, Venice International University, Venice, Italy
2000/09–2004/07 B.S., Environmental Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing |
Main academic contributions: |
Research Interest: |
General: Industrial Ecology, Urban Science and Sustainability, Material Flow Analysis
Specific: Anthropogenic Cycles of Materials, Environmental Consequences of International Trade, Urban Metabolism, Industrial Symbiosis, and Urban Environmental Management |
Selected Publications: |
1) Song, L.-L.; Ewijk, S.; Masanet, E.; Watari, T.; Meng, F.; Cullen, J. M. Cao, Z. and Chen, W.-Q.* China’s Bulk Material Loops Can Be Closed but Deep Decarbonization Requires Demand Reduction. Nature Climate Change. 2023, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-023-01782-6.
2) Wang, R. R.*; Hertwich, E. G.*; Fishman, T.; Deetman, S.; Behrens, P.; Chen, W.-Q.; De Koning, A.; Xu, M.; Matus, K.; Ward, H.; Tukker, A.; Zimmerman, J. B. The Legacy Environmental Footprints of Manufactured Capital. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2023, 120 (24), e2218828120.
3) Chen, W.-Q.* and Graedel, T.E.* In-Use Product Stocks Link Manufactured Capital to Natural Capital. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2015, 112 (20): 6265-6270.
4) Wang, H. T.; Feng, K. S; Wang, P.*; Yang, Y. Y.; Sun, L. X.*; Yang, F.; Chen, W.-Q.; Zhang, Y. Y. and Li, J. S.* China’s Electric Vehicle and Climate Ambitions Jeopardized by Surging Critical Material Prices. Nature Communications. 2023, 14: 1246.
5) Wang, P.; Ryberg, M.*; Yang, Y.; Feng, K.-S.; Kara, S.*; Hauschild, M. and Chen, W.-Q.* Efficiency stagnation in global steel production urges joint supply- and demand-side mitigation efforts. Nature Communications. 2021, 12: 2066.
6) Nunes, L. M.; Li, G.; Chen, W.-Q.; Meharg, A. A.; O’Connor, P. and Zhu, Y.-G. Embedded Health Risk from Arsenic in Globally Traded Rice. Environmental Science & Technology. 2022, 56 (10): 6415–6425
7) Ma, Z.-J.; Yang, Y.; Chen, W.-Q.*; Wang, P.; Wang, C.; Zhang, C. and Gan, J.-B. Material Flow Patterns of the Global Waste Paper Trade and Potential Impacts of China’s Import Ban. Environmental Science & Technology. 2021, 55 (13): 8492-8501.
8) Wang, W.-J.; Chen, W.-Q.*; Diao, Z.-W.; Ciacci, L.; Pourzahedi, L.; Eckelman, M.-J.; Yang, Y. and Shi, L.* Multidimensional Analyses Reveal Unequal Resource, Economic, and Environmental Gains and Losses among the Global Aluminum Trade Leaders. Environmental Science & Technology. 2021, 55 (10): 7102-7112.
9) Wang, Q.-C.; Wang, P.; Qiu, Yang.; Dai, T; and Chen, W.-Q.* Byproduct Surplus: Lighting the Depreciative Europium in China’s Rare Earth Boom. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020, 276: 124221.
10) Chen, J.-J.; Tang, L.-B.; Chen, W.-Q.; Peaslee, G.-F.; and Jiang, D.-Q.* Flows, Stock, and Emissions of Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances in California Carpet in 2000–2030 under Different Scenarios. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020, 54: 6908-6918.
11) Cao, Z.; O’Sullivan, C.; Tan, J.; Kalvig, P.; Ciacci, L.; Chen, W.-Q.; Kim, J.; and Liu, G.* Resourcing the Fairytale Country with Wind Power: A Dynamic Material Flow Analysis. Environmental Science & Technology. 2019, 53: 11313-11322.
12) Huang, B.-J.*; Zhao, F., Fishman, T., Chen, W.-Q.; Heeren, N.; and Hertwich, E. G. Building Material Use and Associated Environmental Impacts in China 2000-2015. Environmental Science & Technology. 2018, 52(23):14006-14014.
13) Han, J.*; Chen, W.-Q.; Zhang, L.-X.; and Liu, G.* Uncovering the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Urban Infrastructure Development: A High Spatial Resolution Materials Stock and Flow Analysis. Environmental Science & Technology. 2018, 52(21): 12122-12132.
14) Jiang, D.*; Chen, W.-Q.*; Zeng, X.-L.; and Tang, L. Dynamic Stocks and Flows Analysis of Bisphenol A (BPA) in China: 2000-2014. Environmental Science & Technology. 2018, 52 (6): 3706?3715.
15) Jiang, D.*; Chen, W.-Q.; Liu, W.; and Chertow, M.* Inter-Sectoral Bisphenol A (BPA) Flows in the 2012 Chinese Economy. Environmental Science & Technology. 2017, 51 (15): 8654–8662
16) Shi, Y.-L.; Chen, W.-Q.*; Wu, S.-L.; and Zhu, Y.-G. Anthropogenic Cycles of Arsenic in Mainland China: 1990-2010. Environmental Science & Technology. 2017, 51 (3): 1670-1678.
17) Nuss, P.*; Chen, W.-Q.*; Ohno, H.; and Graedel, T.E. Structural Investigation of Aluminum in the US Economy using Network Analysis. Environmental Science & Technology. 2016, 50 (7): 4091-4101.
18) Ohno, H.*; Nuss, P.; Chen, W.-Q.*; and Graedel, T.E. Deriving the Metal and Alloy Networks of Modern Technology. Environmental Science & Technology. 2016, 50 (7): 4082-4090.
19) Chen, W.-Q.*; Graedel, T.E.; Nuss, P.; and Ohno, H. Building the Material Flow Networks of Aluminum in the 2007 U.S. Economy. Environmental Science & Technology. 2016, 50 (7): 3905-3912.
20) Zeng, X.-L.*; Gong, R.-Y.; Chen, W.-Q.; and Li, J.-H.* Uncovering the Recycling Potential of ‘New’ WEEE in China. Environmental Science & Technology. 2016,50 (3): 1347-1358.
21) Chen, W.-Q.* and Graedel, T.E. Improved Alternatives for Estimating In-Use Material Stocks. Environmental Science & Technology. 2015, 49 (5): 3048–3055.
22) Chen, W.-Q.* and Graedel, T.E. Anthropogenic Cycles of the Elements: A Critical Review. Environmental Science & Technology. 2012, 46 (16): 8674-8586.
Supported Projects: |
1) Consumer Packaging Plastic Waste and Its Environmental Impacts in China: Measurement, Patterns, and Management. National Natural Science Foundation of China. No. 52070178. 2021/01-2024/12.
2) Effects of Urbanization on Resources, Environment, and Sustainable Development Strategy. International Partnership Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences. No.132C35KYSB20200004. 2021/01-2023/12.
3) Promoting Resource Efficiencies of Metals: Mapping, Measurement, and Management. International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchanges NSFC. No. 71961147003. 2020/01-2024/12.
4) Integration, Promotion and Application of Recycling Technology System of Multisource Solid Waste in the Urban Agglomeration of the Greater Bay Area. Strategic Pilot Science and Technology Projects of Chinese Academy of Sciences. No. XDA23030304. 2019/01-2023/12.
5) Structure and Evolution of the Global Material Flow Networks of Critical Rare Earth Elements. National Natural Science Foundation of China. NO. 41671523. 2017/01-2020/12.
6) Mapping the Reserves of Urban Fe, Al, and Cu Mine in China. Key program of frontier science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. No. QYZDB-SSW-DQC012. 2016/08-2020/12. |