Project Title: Characterization of contaminants in urban stormwater run-off and their treatment
Project Type: Knowledge Innovation Project of The Chinese Academy of Sciences
Project Awardee: Wei Qunshan Project Abstract: The species of contaminations (i.e. organic matter, heavy metal, N/P etc.) in urban stormwater run-off will be analyzed to reveal their existential characters. The temporal and spatial distributions of these pollutants will be investigated significantly to find their transformation mechanisms in stormwater run-off. The reaction processes and relationships among these pollutants will be also studied further to reveal the variations of complex contaminants and their transfers in environments. Moreover, investigation of the key roles and changing processes of contaminants in stormwater run-off will lead to better control and treatment of the pollutions. Then the critical treatment technologies will be developed based on the key transfer processes. These will be available to easier non-point pollution control, better protection of natural water and wider utilization of rainwater.、
Period of Project: 2007.11-2009.10
Fund of Project: ¥150,000 |