In order to respond to World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2021 (WAAW 2021) and raise global awareness of antibiotic resistance, the International Workshop on the Environmental Dimension of Antimicrobial Resistance was held on November 19, 2021 in Xiamen. It is co-organized by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO), the Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IUE, CAS) and the Center for Environmental Engineering Research, The University of Hong Kong (HKU).
The workshop was host by Prof. Yong-Guan Zhu, Academician of CAS and Prof. David Graham, Professor of Newcastle University and invited Prof. Jian Liu, Director of Science Division of UNEP and Prof. Jinghua Cao, Executive Director of ANSO Secretariat to give opening remarks.
Prof. Tong Zhang from the University of Hong Kong, Prof. Ewa Korzeniewska from the University of Warmia and Mazury (Poland), Prof. Sabiha Essack from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), Dr. Chanwit Tribuddharat from Mahidol University (Thailand), Dr. Rajeshwari Sinha form the Centre for Science and Environment (India) and Dr. Mui-Choo Jong from the National University of Singapore joined the workshop and gave presentations respectively taking different regions as examples.
During the discussion session, those valued guests provided recommendations on how to reduce the evolution and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the environment and planned to publish relevant policy briefs according to the workshop outcomes.
As one of the academic activities of WAAW 2021, the workshop actively promoted the popularization of AMR, enhanced cooperation and exchanges among experts in related fields from all over the world, especially “the Belt and Road” countries, so as to jointly cope with the severe challenges posed by AMR to the environmental health.
The workshop was conducted in the form of online and offline, and was broadcast live on the Koushare platform. There are hundreds of participants from all over the world, and nearly 5000 views on the live platform.
The workshop is supported by ANSO Collaborative Research and Fujian “the Belt and Road” Environmental Health Joint Lab.