Professor Brian John Reid and his colleagues visited Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IUE-CAS)between Sep.19 to 22, 2016. This is the third visit since the signature of a cooperation memorandum of understanding between IUE & UEA, and also a memorable visit after the attacked of the biggest typhoon “Meranti” in Xiamen since the founding of China. IUE overcame the difficulties and hosted the cooperation workshop as scheduled and looked forward to facilitating long-term relationship with UEA through this opportunity, so as to achieve substantial scientific collaboration.
At the beginning of the workshop, Yongguan Zhu, director of IUE, gave an opening speech with the goals and consensus that are expected to be reached through this workshop in the following days. Then, four representatives from UEA gave presentations on their research areas respectively( “pollutant bioavailability in soil and soil-biochar matrices” from Professor Brian John Reid, “source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons-based on their molecular and stable isotope compositions” from Nikolai Pedentchouk, “mapping metabolic pathways of mineral respiring organisms” from Tom Clarke, “electron transfer at the microbe- mineral interface” from Marcus Edwards). After that, all participants were divided into two groups based on their research fields. The representatives from IUE introduced their research areas and accomplishments to the guests. Through in-depth discussion and face-to-face communication, both sides reached a preliminary cooperation intention, which lay the foundation for joint application of research projects and publications of papers in the future.
During the workshop, guests were invited to visit the instrumental center and laboratories of many research groups, they spoke highly of the scientific research conditions in IUE and complimented post-disaster reconstruction results of IUE as well.
On September 22, the workshop came to a summary stage. Both sides worked together to draft the joint research proposal, simultaneously, analyzed the key point, opportunities and linkage coupling with the cooperation. They said, on the basis of partner team formed in this workshop, later will actively promote the joint projects’ application, push forward graduate students’ exchange and young scientists’ communication, therefore, acquire substantial achievements in the end.