Dr. Salvatore Aricò, CEO of International Science Council (ISC) with delegation of China, Fujian and Xiamen Association for Science and Technology (CAST, FAST, XAST) visited the Institute of Urban Environment (IUE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on October 12, 2023. Prof. CHEN Shaohua, Co-director of IUE and Prof. ZHENG Yuming, Deputy Director of IUE greeted them warmly and expressed thanks to ISC, CAST, FAST and XAST for their supports to IUE.
In the Exhibition Hall, Dr. QI Jian introduced the history, platforms, talents and achievements of IUE, especially the establishment and operation of International Programme Office of ISC-Urban Health and Wellbeing Programme (UHWB-IPO). During the meeting, Dr. LIU Yupeng, Executive Director of UHWB-IPO introduced the key outcomes and future plan of UHWB. Prof. YANG Jun introduced the concept of “World Algae Day”. Prof. LU Yonglong, ISC fellow and other experts made valuable suggestions on UHWB’s future development. Dr. Salvatore Aricò fully affirmed the fruitful achievements and contributions of IUE and UHWB to the field of urban science, and emphasized that urban development is extremely important and challenging in the context of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. He hoped ISC and IUE could work together through UHWB to strengthen cooperation with international organizations such as UN-Habitat, UNEP and WHO, so as to promote global urban health development.