On May 15, a delegation led by Research & Innovation Counsellor Adrián GUTIéRREZ of the Embassy of Spain in Beijing, China visited the Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences(IUE,CAS). Accompanied by Deputy-Director Zheng Yuming and representatives of scientists of IUE, the delegation visited IUE's Exhibition Hall, Environmental Micro-interface Probe Platform and Atmospheric Superstation. After listening to the introduction of the researchers, the delegation had a preliminary understanding of the general situation of IUE and some representative research work carried out by IUE. They expressed high appreciation and keen interest in the achievements of the IUE’s research work. After the field visit, an exchange meeting was held. Representatives of scientific researchers exchanged views on environmental technology, circular economy, carbon neutrality, air pollution and waste treatment, and other areas of common interest. The Counsellor introduced some of the current bilateral scientific and technological exchanges between Spain and China. He looked forward to promoting scientific and technological cooperation between Spain and China through co-construction of laboratories, joint application of projects and mutual visits of personnel.