On September 2-4, the Healthy Urban Systems – Curriculum MOOC Online Workshop was held successfully. The Workshop was jointly organised by the University of Lausanne and the ISC-Urban Health and Wellbeing Programme Office (UHWB), the Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences. More than 30 experts and scientists were invited, from various organizations and universities all around the world, including World Health Organization, International Risk Governance Council, UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Beirut Arab University, University of Chicago, ISC – CODATA Committee, University of Colombo, Tel Aviv University, Stuttgart University, Arizona State University, University of Melbourne, University of Lisbon, NYU School of Global Public Health, Resilience Brokers and Lancaster University.
The workshop included six modules, which are: 1) A multidisciplinary framework for urban systems health, 2) Observing urban systems health / Measuring factors, 3) Conceptual and theoretical frameworks to conceive models of urban systems health, 4) Tools for modelling urban systems health, 5) Scenarios design for adaptive urban systems health and 6) Policies and governance for prevention and resilience of urban systems health.
During the workshop, experts gave a short presentation based on their professional knowledge respectively and discussed the MOOC Framework, including the methodology for the next stages, division of labour and future agenda. In the future, UHWB will cooperate with Lausanne University in carrying out the MOOC on A Systems Approach to Urban Health and Wellbeing, and then to understand and evaluate social environmental ecological and psychological processes and interactions causing problems for health and wellbeing of people living in cities. The MOOC will be the first of its kind addressing health and wellbeing by a systems approach developed by the UHWB Programme at IUE, CAS, Xiamen.