On October 25, a group of young Japanese scientists, accompanied by BAI Yanqiu, Director of the Japan Branch of China Science and Technology Exchange Center and SUN Kang, Deputy General Manager of Xiamen Science and Technology Exchange Center, visited Institute of Urban Environment(IUE), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS).
The two sides held a brief symposium first. At the symposium, BAI Yanqiu introduced the situation of the visiting group firstly and also made an overall introduction to the cooperation between China and Japan in science and technology in the past a few years. Then, ZHU Yongguan, Party Secretary of IUE, extended a warm welcome to the guests. He briefly introduced the past collaboration couducted between IUE and Japanese scientific institutions, etc. Through this activity, I hope to further deepen the exchange and cooperation between IUE and Japanese scientific research institutions, form a wider range of cooperation fields and systems, get to know more Japanese entrepreneurs and academic talents, and carry out cooperation together. It is also anticipated that members of the exchange delegation will introduce more overseas students to work in IUE, said by Professor ZHU. Afterwards, Miyamura expressed her sincere gratitude to IUE for the opportunity of exchange on behalf of the delegation. Miyamura said the delegation members belonged to different departments and fields and would pass on the information learned during this visit to friends and colleagues in Japan in the future.
After a brief symposium, the delegation visited the exhibition hall of IUE. Director of Science and Technology Department LU Xin made a detailed introduction of IUE to the delegation, and the representatives of scientists in IUE shared the specific research work of their team with the guests.
The last procedure is the Q&A session, during this session, the researchers of IUE gave detailed answers to the questions raised by the Japanese side and the atmosphere was very warm.