On April 13-14, the 14th scientific committee meeting of Urban Health and Well-being Programme(UHWB)was successfully held at China Hall of Science and Technology in Beijing. More than 20 of international experts of urban health from different organizations and universities, including Chinese Academy of Engineer (CAE), World Health Organization (WHO), International Society for Urban Health (ISUH) and Tsinghua University, were invited to the meeting to discuss the progress of the programme development, as well as opportunities for collaboration between the programme and organizations. An expanded discussion has focused on several topics which include the deterioration of urban health issues as the acceleration of urbanization, the complexity of urban environment including its economy, ecology and social culture, promotion of the construction of healthy cities and the healthy development of human beings.
The UHWB programme is a global science programme and interdisciplinary body of the International Science Council (ISC, previously ICSU), supported by the United Nations University (UNU), the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and International Society for Urban Health (ISUH). The programme aims to use a systematic approach to promote sustainable urban development, to improve human health and well-being and to create basic knowledge about the factors that determine health and well-being in urban environments.

(Photo 1: UHWB Science Committee Meeting)

(Photo 2: Depei Liu was speaking during the meeting, who is the Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering)