UN Habitat under the Urban Planning and Design branch (UPDB), The International Science Council (ISC) and the Institute of Urban Environment of the Chinese Academy of Science (IUE, CAS) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The signatories are committed to implementing urban and territorial planning for improved health and wellbeing in urban areas and human settlements. They have agreed to work on: 1. enhancing global awareness of frameworks, tools and practices 2. strengthening technical and institutional capacities of stakeholders 3. network institutions and professionals in the fields of healthy urban planning

(Photo .1 Shipra Narang, head of the Urban Planning and Design Unit and Franz Gatzweiler, executive director of the UHWB programme at IUE, CAS, sign the MoU. Wed. 29. May 2019 Nairobi)

(Photo 2&3. UN Habitat Assembly)