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Associate Professor Zhirong Zhao of University of Minnesota visited IUE, CAS

On July 7th, invited by Key Laboratory of Urban Environment and Health and Shenghui Cui’group of IUE, CAS, Associate Professor Zhirong Zhao of University of Minnesota visited IUE and made a report titled “Value capture of urban finance and infrastructure in America”. The report was hosted by Researcher Shenghui Cui.

During the lecture, Associate Professor Zhao made a brilliant speech about four topics including urban system of USA, urban infrastructure construction of USA, value capture in infrastructure finance and value creation to the value capture. In the lecture, Associate Professor interpreted calculation method of U.S. assets tax, compared three types of tax calculation including general tax, value capture, user fees, introduced eight means to calculate tax, finally gave a detailed analysis of financial capital requirements in TH610 expressway case and answered the question of scientific research personnel attending the lecture. The spectators responded enthusiastically at the spot.

The introduction of expert:

Zhirong Zhao, Associate Professor of Institute of Public Affairs of University of Minnesota, USA. He gained his urban planning bachelor, master degree in Tongji University, and his doctorate in public administration in University of Georgia. He ever taught in Department of Political Science of Eastern Michigan University and works as Distinguished Professor in School of Public Economics and Management of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, guest professor of School of Economics of Xiamen University, guest researcher of Shanghai Institute of Financial and Legal. Associate Professor Zhao concentrates on public budget, public finance, public financial management, etc, expecially on how American state and local governments will finance for infrastructure and basic public services under the persistent fiscal constraints. Associate Professor Zhao is active in the field of international public administration and public finance. He is one of the fifteen executive members of The American Society for Budgeting and Financial Management and one of founders of China-America Association for Public Affairs, as the chairman during the period of 2015-2016.

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