The 3rd European Research and Innovation Information Campaign, Tour of China 2014, took place at IUE on June 23rd, 2014. The campaign started with a brief introduction about the European Union (EU) and the purpose of the tour, presented by Mr. Philippe Vialatte, Head of S&T Section of EU Delegation. He said that the tour would showcase European excellent array of research and innovation opportunities to promote Sino-European S&T cooperation. Six delegates from Embassies of France, Austria, UK, Netherlands, Malta and Italy introduced research and innovation cooperation programmes with China respectively. Horizon 2020 Programme was also presented and three ways of participation were listed for Chinese researchers to take part in. Mr. Jacques Desoyres from Euraxess Links Country detailed how to make good use of Euraxess, a very efficient information sharing platform, to better serve our research work.
After the campaign, the delegation visited labs and had a round-table discussion with some principal investigators.